2.Discussion Paper
Your Discussion Paper is to be divided into four sections. The sections are as follows:
1. Literature Review:
In this section, you are expected to write a brief overview of each of the readings for the week, identifying the main arguments, key points, and perspective in each article. You are NOT being asked to provide a comprehensive summary of the readings. Rather: can you show a good understanding of the main argument and key points in each reading? Can you effectively frame the readings, in terms of their perspectives and debates that are being engaged with?
2. Critical Reflection:
In this section, you are expected to discuss and reflect upon the week’s topic and material. This is the most important section in your Report, and should be the most substantial. Some of the questions you can ask are: What did you find thought provoking? Why? How has this week’s material enabled you to think about and engage with the themes of the course? What do you think? Why? So what?
3. Research Scope:
In this section, provide a brief indication of any further questions or research areas that you may be interested in pursuing, as a result of this week’s topic. This section does NOT need to be lengthy.
4. Reference List:
Provide a full listing of any resources that you have directly used in your work. Do NOT cite resources that are not directly used. You are expected to conform to proper referencing conventions.
As part of this assessment, all students submitting a Discussion Paper during a particular week will be seated at the front of their class, where they will act as a panel for their tutorial for the duration of 1 hour. (See assessment criteria, below.) Your tutor will moderate, and the panel will be expected to help the tutor drive and direct tutorial discussion. Panellists are encouraged to ask each other questions, as well as ask questions of the class – tutors may also interrogate the panel, and ask panelists to provide reflections or responses to particular questions or issues. Classes are encouraged to engage actively with each panel, and challenge panelists for their reflections and responses.
If you are late to class when you are on the panel, a late penalty will apply. If you do not attend class during your allocated week, a 20% penalty will be applied to your Discussion Paper – unless you can demonstrate mitigating circumstances.
Assessment Criteria:
Discussion Paper
??Writing and presentation: clarity and coherence of expression, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, layout
??Conceptual understanding: ability to identify, explain, discuss, and analyse key ideas, theories, arguments, issues
??Capacity for critical reflection: ability to develop and articulate your own opinions and critical reflections, supported by relevant research and scholarly resources
??Referencing: adherence to proper referencing conventions Panel
??Contribution to discussion: ability to actively contribute to an insightful discussion of key points and issues